Red Reishi | Ganoderma lucidum


10 – 12mL of living Ganoderma lucidum mycelium in a nutritional solution of 100% organic carbon, nitrogen and mineral sources to ensure vigorous growth, optimal benefits & exceptional shelf-life.

  • Available as a Commercial Strain
** We do not include instructions with our liquid culture solution and provide these products under the assumption that the end-user has a basic understanding of mushroom culturing technique **

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Ganoderma lucidum has a long history of use for promoting health and longevity in China, Japan, and other Asian countries. It is a large, dark mushroom with a glossy exterior and a woody texture. The Latin word lucidus means “shiny” or “brilliant” and refers to the varnished appearance of the surface of the mushroom. In China, G. lucidum is called lingzhi, whereas in Japan the name for the Ganodermataceae family is reishi or mannentake.

In Chinese, the name lingzhi represents a combination of spiritual potency and essence of immortality, and is regarded as the “herb of spiritual potency,” symbolizing success, well-being, divine power, and longevity. Among cultivated mushrooms, G. lucidum is unique in that its pharmaceutical rather than nutritional value is paramount.

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