Lingzhi Reishi | G. lingzhi


10 – 12mL of living Ganoderma lingzhi mycelium in a nutritional solution of 100% organic carbon, nitrogen and mineral sources to ensure vigorous growth, optimal benefits & exceptional shelf-life.

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Lingzhi, Ganoderma lingzhi, also known as reishi, is a polypore fungus (“bracket fungus”) belonging to the genus Ganoderma.

Its reddish brown varnished kidney-shaped cap with bands and peripherally inserted stem gives it a distinct fan-like appearance. When fresh, the lingzhi is soft, cork-like, and flat. It lacks gills on its underside, and instead releases its spores via fine pores (80–120 μm) yellow colors.

In nature, it grows at the base, roots and stumps of deciduous trees, especially that of the maple. Is has been said that only 1 in 10,000 such aged trees will have Lingzhi growth. Lingzhi may be easily cultivated on hardwood logs, sawdust, or woodchips, but its wild form is still quite rare.

In Chinese, the name lingzhi represents a combination of spiritual potency and essence of immortality, and is regarded as the “herb of spiritual potency,” symbolizing success, well-being, divine power, and longevity. Among cultivated mushrooms, G. lingzhi is unique in that its pharmaceutical rather than nutritional value is paramount.

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